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Making Bathing a Spiritual Practice: 6 Simple Rules

Spiritual bath

Water has been a powerful symbol throughout human history, representing a myriad of life themes such as purification, renewal, transformation, and healing. Immersion in water, as practiced in various bathing rituals, carries profound symbolic meanings across cultures, often reflecting deep spiritual, emotional, and psychological dimensions.

If we were to make a list of the most transformative rituals you can introduce into your daily life, bathing would surely find its way into our top three favorite practices.

When life begins to feel overwhelming, we often seek things that soothe our nervous systems and help us forget about our worries. We turn to alcohol, food, Netflix, social media—anything that allows us to disconnect from ourselves, if only for a moment. The hard-to-swallow truth is that when we need to let go and recharge, we must go inward rather than outward. And that’s precisely what bathing offers—it is a healing and transformative ritual you can perform at home at any time.



Bathing is an act of purification that leads to transformation and healing.
Somehow magically, everything apart from our body can dissolve in water.
Worries, fears, wounds, anger, disappointment, and even excessive excitement—in water, they dissolve, leaving us with the vast, infinite space that resides within us and connects us to the Universe.

The purifying properties of water immersion have been recognized by humanity since ancient times. In all cultures, water is perceived as a cleanser not only for the physical body but also for the spirit. Ritual baths are commonly associated with rebirth and renewal, evident in practices such as baptism in Christianity or the mikvah in Judaism, emphasizing purification and new beginnings.



The first step to making any change is always awareness and deliberate intention.
When we move with intention, the meaning of our actions—and the resulting effects—amplifies.

When we dedicate bath time to nurturing our souls and healing our wounds, we begin to approach these moments differently—as sacred and delicate rituals. We are the ones who infuse the magic into the experience. We are the ones who declare this is going to work.

The intention for a bath can be as simple as this: to let go, and step out of the bathtub feeling rejuvenated.

But it’s worth remembering that baths can do more than calm and purify. They can boost your creativity and vitality, attract love, and enhance your psychic powers. There is a bath for every intention and every occasion—whether it’s a new moon or full moon bath, a birthday bath to celebrate you, or a detoxifying bath to say goodbye to an old lover.

There are countless products you can use to enhance your bathing experience, allowing you to create any kind of bath you need and want.

As there are certain recipes you can recreate in the comfort of your bathroom, we will be gradually sharing them with you. Today, let’s start with six basic rules to start with that will help you to maste the art of spiritual baths.

1 • FOCUS ON YOU  • Treat your bath soak as a moment to meet yourself. This time requires no phone, no books, no podcasts—no distractions that might pull your attention from this sacred moment. Music of your choice is perfectly fine; it could be meditative nature sounds or a song that resonates with you at that particular moment. Instead of using artificial light, light some candles. They create a glow that doesn’t strain the eyes and introduce a warm and cosy vibe.

2  • USE SALT • That’s our number one additive to baths. Salt possesses strong purifying properties and wards off negativity. You can choose from a wide range of beautifully scented bath salts, like the ones from Palm of Feronia, which we truly adore, but any good quality Epsom salt will do. Don’t skimp—aim for at least two cups of salt in your bath.

3  • USE CRYSTALS • Our second favorite additive is CRYSTALS. We love placing them in the water, as water has an incredible capacity to transport energies and can easily be infused with the vibrations of the crystals. You could create a loving and gentle bath with Rose Quartz or an empowering, intuition-boosting bath with Amethyst. If you want to use stones you already have in your collection, check first if they can be submerged in water; for example, selenite should not be used in the bath.

4  • USE HERBS (both fresh and dried), ESSENTIAL OILS , and PLANTS (especially flowers)  • This is is a beautiful way to enhance your bath with magical properties. Follow your heart and mix and match ingredients, as we believe that nothing can go wrong as long as you follow your intuition. You can also use simple rules and pick rosemary for protection, mint to attract love, and basil to welcome abundance.

5  • PERFORM ENERGY CLEANSING FIRST • If you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed and filled with emotions you need to release before entering the bath, take a short shower to wash away negativity and some of that tiredness, or perform a smudging ritual. This can be done by wafting white sage smoke around your body for aura cleansing.

6  • RELAX AND ALLOW THE MAGIC TO HAPPEN  • Sit in the bath for as long as it feels right. Soak in the healing mixture you’ve created for yourself. Remember to submerge your head under water for some time. Full immersion not only helps you shut down the outside world but also reinforces the transformative powers of the bath.

Introduce spiritual soaks as a regular part of your daily life and heal yourself one step at a time. Creating special mixtures for your baths won’t just make you more skillful witch; they will also help you become a happier and more joyful version of yourself.


Those can help you in your journey

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