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Embracing Eclipse Season: Welcome the Energy Roller Coaster

Eclipse Season

Eclipse season is an extraordinary time in the celestial calendar. If you are not already a fan of Mercury in retrograde, check out Eclipses — the real energetic roller coaster created to shake us, break us, and ultimately make us who we are supposed to be. Let’s delve into the spiritual meaning of Eclipses and how to best navigate their intense energy.

What are Eclipses?

Eclipses occur when one celestial body moves into the shadow of another. There are two main types of eclipses:

Solar Eclipse  ·  This happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking some or all of the Sun’s light. A total solar Eclipse path lets viewers witness the incredible experience of daytime darkness.

Lunar Eclipse  ·  A lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth’s shadow to fall on the Moon. This often results in a stunning reddish hue, popularly referred to as a “Blood Moon.”

Eclipses can be partial or total, depending on the alignment of these celestial bodies, and can be seen from different parts of the world based on their paths.

How Often Do Eclipses Happen?

Eclipses happen at least twice a year, with a mix of solar and lunar eclipses. In some years, there can be as many as seven eclipses, although typically, there are four to six each year. The specific timing and type can vary based on the intricate mechanics of celestial bodies.

Spiritual Meaning of Eclipses

As we enter the second Eclipse season of the year, we’re reminded of its challenges. It’s never easy, nor is it meant to be. Eclipses are like cosmic medicine, essential for our growth.

The Eclipses window begins about four weeks before the first Eclipse and ends four weeks after the last, creating nearly two months of navigating turbulent waters toward hopefully brighter shores.

During Eclipses season, a series of fated events may occur, as it’s a time when things happen for our souls, not our egos. While many may lament this—since we’re attached to our egos and their fears and desires—the key to approaching eclipses is acceptance and letting go of the old stories and paths. 

Eclipses have deep spiritual significance. They are a time of:

TRANSFORMATION · Eclipses are a moment of massive ending and beginnings. They are seen as catalysts for change. They offer a chance to shed old habits and  release what no longer serves us. It could involve toxic relationships or simply our tendency to abandon our dreams, constantly saying yes to things that don’t ignite a passion within us. Ultimately, it is our choice to either revisit old lessons or embrace a transformative path that may feel uncomfortable and intimidating, yet leads to places, people and experiences we never imagined existed.

REVELATION · Eclipses bring hidden truths to light. They can reveal insights about ourselves, our relationships, and our life path.

RENEWAL · Eclipses are like storms — intense, disorienting, and sometimes frustrating; they obscure our view of what lies ahead. However, just like every storm, they eventually pass, marking the onset of new beginnings and providing insights and events that can significantly alter the trajectory of our lives.

What to Do and Not to Do During Eclipse Season


Reflect, Release, and Surrender  ·  During a lunar eclipse, take time to meditate on what you need to let go of. Journaling can help clarify your thoughts and feelings. Embracing the flow of energies will make navigating the upcoming waves much easier. Resisting or clinging to old illusions and narratives will only complicate things. Trust us, we’ve learned this lesson the hard way.

 Practice Mindfulness and Meditation  ·  Embrace mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or simply spending time in nature to connect deeply with the shifts occurring within you.

 Engage in Grounding Rituals  ·  Many find that rituals help harness the energy of the eclipses. This could include lighting candles, performing a cleansing bath, walking barefoot, or immersing yourself in a forest to allow nature to guide you through this transformative journey.

 Listen and pay attention to your dreams  ·  It may occur that the Universe will have some special news for you during the eclipse season. Although some truths may initially feel unsettling often the most groundbreaking news comes from the less bright areas of ourselves that we pretend not to see on a daily basis. Eclipse season is a season of shadows – so don’t expect easy answers to life’s struggles.


Avoid Major Decisions  ·  It’s often advised to avoid making significant life choices during Eclipse season as things can feel unclear or influenced by intense emotions.

Don’t Rush  ·  Embrace the energy of the Eclipse season by taking things slowly. This is a time for contemplation rather than action.

Refrain from Negativity  · Avoid engaging in negative self-talk, as the powerful energy during this time can magnify your thoughts and feelings.

Don’t Manifest  · Every Eclipse season brings diverse energies due to particular placements of celestial bodies, but our general rule is not to engage in any intense manifestation work during this season. It’s a time for surrender and going with the flow of energies.

Don’t Charge Your Crystals  · Just like with manifestation, we avoid charging crystals during the weeks of Eclipses. The energies are so intense and volatile that we wait for smoother times to conduct some of our witchy practices, particularly crystal charging.

Eclipse season is a profound and mystical time, inviting us to reflect, release, and renew. Embrace the transformative potential of the Cosmos, and remember that the insights revealed during Eclipses can lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey ahead. 

Prepare yourself for the lunar Eclipse on September 17th-18th and the solar Eclipse on October 2nd, and let the magic of this celestial event take you where you are supposed to be.

Those can help you in your journey

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